Contact Us
Katahdin Productions is a nonprofit, 501(C)(3) film production company. All donations to Katahdin for Hava Nagila (The Movie) are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

For Festival Bookings:
Roberta Grossman
tel: 323-424-4210
For Press Inquiries:
Sasha Berman
Shotwell Media
tel: 310-450-5571
For Katahdin Productions:
Deann Borshay Liem
tel: 510-666-0866
In Berkeley:
Katahdin Productions
1516 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Deann Borshay Liem
Executive Director
Katahdin Productions
Daven Gee
Director of Outreach
tel: 510-666-0866
fax: 510-666-0873
In Los Angeles:
Katahdin Productions
514 N. Hayworth Ave., Suite 105
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Roberta Grossman
Sophie Sartain
Writer, Producer
tel: 323-424-4210
fax: 323-375-1358
And if all else fails ...
Website Design — Marnee Evans, Arc Energy Communications
Photo by Jenny Jimenez
Title Treatment Design — Canyon Design Group